
It’s important to trust the source of reviews so I’ve made efforts to be as transparent as possible.

Affiliate Links and Codes

Some links to external sources or coupon/discount codes may result in small commissions to the reviewer. This is done to help offset the expenses of this site and producing reviews. Recommendations, ratings, suggestions etc. are made without regard to affiliate programs and reflect the honest opinion of the reviewer.

Source of Review Subject

My reviews will always indicate how the subject (item or service) was obtained so readers can factor this into the review. Why? Bias is a serious issue in reviews. Some reviews on the web are fake, some are paid and even well intended reviews can be effected by the source of the item or service being reviewed. For example, an item a reviewer has purchased on their own may result in a bias in the form of confirmation bias for something they’ve chosen or they may be more critical toward price/value having incurred the price themselves. Items given or lent to a reviewer are also subject to bias as a reviewer may have low expectations for an item they are given or lent.

All Opinions Are My Own

When there are questions or concerns a company may be asked for feedback or given an opportunity to respond. Their responses may be included in the review- but reviews are not subject to their approval etc.


Reviews on this site are not paid advertisements. The website does contain ads from ad networks – these are generated and inserted at the time the page is viewed, reviewers are unaware of what ads will be displayed and advertisers have no effect on contents of reviews.