We’ve got movie sign!
Today is October 14th
Today’s film is 1987’s Zombie Nightmare
Zombie Nightmare is a low budget Canadian zombie film. The selling points for this film is a role played by Adam West and a heavy metal soundtrack. The opening credit’s Ace of Spades by Motörhead is pretty good but it’s all down-hill from there. Adam West’s part is fairly small and painful to watch. Sure, he delivers his lines but what I really hear is disbelief of how he got to this point in his career.
Sound terrible? Well you haven’t even heard about all the poorly done day for night scenes or the fact that the zombie is really just a body builder in sweat pants.
There is good news though – Mike Nelson and his robot friends will help you get thru this Canadian crime against humanity while laughing.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the route I’d suggest (it’s one of my favorite episodes). But if you’d like to see the uncut version or if you’re just a fan of cheesy movies the original awaits you!
Trailer (MST3k Version):
MPAA Rating: Original – R MST3k Version – TV-14
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DVDMST3k Volume XV The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy / The Girl in Lovers Lane / Zombie Nightmare / Racket Girls. (Girl in Lovers Lane is also very good! |
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